Who is Anonymous? Hactivist Group Explained

Anonymous - The Hactivist group is considered as the hero by the people in the cyber world for uncovering many secrets from the government on spying people. But for the governments? Governments called anonymous as cyber criminals. So who is Anonymous? I am leaving this question to you, answer your opinion after reading this.

Anonymous is an International Hactivist group responsible for many cyber attacks against the governments.
Anonymous calls themselves as a group of children sitting in their parent's garage. Anonymous originated first on a image board based website called 4chan. Anonymous wears a mask which is inspired from the movie V for Vendetta.

Top Attacks by Anonymous

Operation Sony :

               The Anonymous group attacked the Sony website and took down the whole play station network on April 2, 2011. This attack was done because Sony is abusing customer rights through their relentless legal assault on PS 3 jail breaker.

Bank of America - Hacked :

In March 14, 2011, Anonymous massively leaked 14 gigabytes of emails from Bank of America. This is done because They started spying on Anonymous. They left the note that "If you spy on us, we will spy on you too"

Operation Payback :

This attack was done on December 8, 2010, Anonymous took down many website providers and visa and many payment websites that lined against Wikileaks. Wikileaks is a non profitable organization which leaks secret information.

HBGary Attack

This attack was done on February 6-11, 2011. Anonymous took down the website and leaked many emails contains many secret information including taking down of wiki leaks.

Operation Tunisia :

This attack was done on January 2011. This attack was against the Tunisian government with the help of some Tunisian hackers. They took down many government websites using DDoS attack, because of that inefficient government lacks to provide many things to the people and freedom for speech.

Important :

Though Anonymous done many cyber crimes, they does that for the people. I myself a big fan of Anonymous and I will support them. Comment your opinion. 


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