A Brief Introduction To Hackers

                             Hackers - A Brief Introduction

Lets start from a general definition, what is Hacking in general? In general term hacking is defined as doing a job in a different or unusual manner. For example we can open a car with a key, we can open the car only with a key? Yes there are many different methods as you seen in the movies. In Digital world the term Hacking is defined as an unauthorized access to a computer or a network. The person who does hacking is known as Hacker.

Hackers are bad?

If someone ask this question  to you, simply say no without even thinking. Yes, not all hackers are bad. There are different types of hackers. They are differentiated based on their work done. Let us see the types of hackers, 

  • Black Hat
  • White Hat
  • Grey Hat
  • Script Kid
  • Hacktivist

Black Hat:

  Black Hat hackers are the person you are watching in the movies. Yes they are the bad guys.
They are highly skilled person and they use their skills for bad causes. They mostly hack into a bank to transfer money, social accounts to get the personal stuffs, a network to steal the data transferred etc.
They will keep their identity hidden and we cant trace them mostly.

White Hat:

            Black Hat hackers are the best? We can't trace them? These questions will be thrashed by the White Hat hackers aka The Saviour of Digital World. They are equally as skilled as Black Hat Hackers. But the difference is they use their skills in good manner or for the good sake of the world. They usually trace the black hat hackers or pen test the network to check the loop holes where the hackers can enter. Pen Testers are also White Hat Hackers. White Hat Hackers are also known as Ethical Hackers.

Grey Hat:

          Grey Hat Hackers are the hackers who scores goal on both sides. They will use their skills for both sides. If the Government pays them good money they will use it for good sake. If not they will use it against them. So these are the dangerous people in which we should have our eye on.

Script Kid:

         These guys are the noobs or beginners who use a script which is created by a highly skilled hacker. They will mostly using these scripts to prank their friends or family or maybe girl friend / boy friend. If they use this on a massive attack they will easily get caught.


Here comes the most favourite of all. Yes they are Hactivist. Wondering who are Hactivist? Don't worry i will explain. Hactivist are the Hackers who use their skill for the people but against government or a specific group who is misusing their power. They thrash them in pieces and they are considered as the heroes for the people. For example, Anonymous. Anonymous is a group of hackers screwed the american government for the privacy of the American people. Edward Snowden is also a famous personality who raised his skills against the spying on American people.


This post is a brief introduction to Hackers. In future posts we will see how hacking is done on step by step basis. Kindly subscribe by mail to get the post notification. You guys can comment the topic which I can write a blog. Feel free to provide your comments.




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