Kali Linux aka Hacker's Best OS

                             Kali Linux's Brief History

Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux Operating System. It is specially designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It was developed by  Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through the rewrite of Back Track. It is now maintained and funded by Offensive Security.
So, lets see what is Digital forensics here. It is a branch of forensics science. It will help to find and investigate the digital evidence left by the person who done digital related crimes or Hackers.
Penetration Testing is also known as Pen test. It is an authorized attack on computer to check the vulnerabilities which can be used by a hacker to attempt an attack. The person who is doing these type of Pen tests are called as Pen Testers.
Kali Linux is famous for its preinstalled penetration testing programs. Which is more graphical friendly than you see in movies. This plays a vital role in helping the pen testers to avoid attacks.
Versions of Kali LinuxThe first version of Kali Linux was released on 13th March 2013 which is named as Kali Linux version 1.0. After there was different version released. Currently the latest version is 2018.4.

So, lets see what is Digital forensics here. It is a branch of forensics science. It will help to find and investigate the digital evidence left by the person who done digital related crimes or Hackers.
Penetration Testing is also known as Pen test. It is an authorized attack on computer to check the vulnerabilities which can be used by a hacker to attempt an attack. The person who is doing these type of Pen tests are called as Pen Testers.
Kali Linux is famous for its preinstalled penetration testing programs. Which is more graphical friendly than you see in movies. This plays a vital role in helping the pen testers to avoid attacks.
Versions of Kali LinuxThe first version of Kali Linux was released on 13th March 2013 which is named as Kali Linux version 1.0. After there was different version released. Currently the latest version is 2018.4.

Requirements to install Kali Linux

The things you need to install Kali Linux are listed below,
  • A minimum hard disk space of 1 GB is required. 
  • A minimum of 512 MB of RAM is required.
  • A bootable CD drive or USB stick

Types of Installations
  • Live Boot
  • Installing in Virtual Environment such as VMware
  • Bootable USB stick

Important Note:

This is just an intro to Kali Linux, in future post we will discuss how to install in our Computers and about the types of attacks and more. To get updates of every posts in this blog, kindly follow by email.  




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