Malware - Explained

Malware is a short name of the term called 'malicious software'. Malware is a computer program which is used to attack and damage the computer without the user's knowledge. Generally Malware spreads the sheet for virus, trojan, worms, spyware, rootkits etc. These are some of the threats which comes under Malware. 

Types of Malware :

1. Viruses and Worms :

Viruses and worms are considered to be a contagious thread for the computer.The difference between virus and worm is that virus will affect the software and once the software is opened the virus will begin its attack. Hence virus should need the help of the user to start its attack.
                     Mean while worms don't need any user's help and it will start the attack automatically. Both the virus and worm will carry 'payload' which contains malicious code used to damage computers.

2. Trojans and Rootkits : 

Both trojans and rootkits are considered to be the masked threads of computers. They both are similar as they sneak to attack computers. Trojans will look as piece of software and the user will end up downloading it thinking it as a software. This will infect the computer and will make it as malware infected computer.
                   Rootkits in the other hands will act as a masking technique for the malware. It is programmed by virus programmers. This will sneak through antivirus programs. But now antivirus are using effective rootkits removal programs.

3. Spywares and keyloggers 

Spywares and keyloggers are considered to be the financial threats. These are used in attacks such as phishing , social engineering in order to steal money from unknown computers, banks etc. 

Steps to prevent Malware attacks :

  • Always keep your operating system, software up to date.
  • Remove software you don't use.
  • Don't open spam emails and always double check email.
  • Don't answer fake tech calls.
  • Always use strong passwords.
  • Always stay in secure connection.

Important :

This article contains a easy to understand definition of Malware and its types and also steps to prevent malware attacks. Feel free to comment your opinion. Subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook.


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