Brute Force Attack - Explained

In the world of Hackers, Brute Force attack is defined as a repetitive successive attempts of trying various password to break in to the website. This attack will be vigorously done by hackers to login in to the website. Hackers use bots to automate this process. The bots will be installed in various computers in malicious way and it will used to for the attacks to make it in a efficient way.

How this attack works

                  Mostly the password length in the internet world is '8'. Totally there are 26 characters in the alphabets. So adding uppercase and lowercase 26+26 = 52 characters. After adding numerical values the value will be 52 + 10 = 62. characters to try.
              For 8 character combination
                              62 to the power of 8 = 2.1834011*10 to the power 14 possible combinations.

             To try these combinations it would take 3.6 trillion minutes.

 Thus it is not possible to do this with normal computers. Hence super computers are needed to do this kind of attacks.
But this kind of technologies are not available to common people. But password attacking attackers are not common people. They will collect computer resources from different sources like developing a powerfull computing engine etc..

How to prevent this attack?

  • Have complex password..
  • Password Length
  • Use captcha
  • Limit login attempts
  • Two factor Authentication.

Important :

This post gives you a simple clarification of the term Brute Force attack. Subscribe our blog for more.
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