Cryptography - Explained
Cryptography :
Cryptography is simply defined as a technique used to protect data from attacks, damage or unauthorized access during a transfer in the network.
We will get into this with a simple example. Let us consider Bob wants to send a message to Tom. But it is a confidential message and it should not authorized by others. Hence Bob will do the following steps to send the message in a secured way.
Steps :
- Bob changes the simple text message in to random numbers and text.
- Then Bob encrypts the message with a key using a cryptographic algorithm and changes it in to a form which is known as cipher text.
- Once it reaches Tom he decrypt the cipher text into plain text using a key.
- If someone changes the data an error will appear while decrypting with the key.
- Thus cryptography works in the secure transaction.
Classification of Cryptography :
- Symmetric key cryptography
- Asymmetric key cryptography
Symmetric key Cryptography :
In Symmetric key cryptography, the sender and receiver will share a same key to encrypt and decrypt cipher text. Since both the sender and receiver shares the same key, it is vulnerable. It is less secured than Asymmetric key Cryptography.
Asymmetric Key Cryptography :
In Asymmetric key Cryptography, the sender and the receiver both will have two keys named as public and private key.
Lets discuss Asymmetric key cryptography with an example. Let Bob and Tom be the sender and receiver.
- First both the Bob and Tom will exchange their public key.
- Next Bob will encrypt the plain text in to cipher text with Tom's public key.
- Bob will send the encrypted message to Tom.
- Now it can be opened only with Tom's private key.
- Hence Tom will securely open and will receive the message.
This post is an easy to understand definition of the term called Cryptography.
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